Virtually Aster 2020

BY ONESELF: THE ART OF ASTER DA FONSECA Currently on exhibit at Art Gallery 21 which is physically closed until further notice. Aster’s art is available to purchase on our SHOP page here. Thank you for your virtual support of art and artists!  


Are you an internet shopper? Amazon? Ebay? Etsy? As we explore ways to generate revenue to support the gallery, we are adding new items to our SHOP page. What began with just a few paintings from Nia Nakis, a gifted artist and teacher at Bonnet House who left us last summer, is growing into a…

Extended! BY ONESELF

BY ONESELF: THE ART OF ASTER de FONSECA E X T E N D E D   T O   A P R I L   1 4 Aster da Fonseca’s influences are from many different venues. He was originally interested in figurative works, mostly influenced by Matisse and Picasso. Back in 1998, Aster started visiting museums and…