Are you an internet shopper? Amazon? Ebay? Etsy?
As we explore ways to generate revenue to support the gallery, we are adding new items to our SHOP page. What began with just a few paintings from Nia Nakis, a gifted artist and teacher at Bonnet House who left us last summer, is growing into a carefully curated page of art. We’ve recently added works of Aster da Fonseca, a charming artist whose work is currently on exhibit in the gallery. If you live locally, stop in.
We know you can go to Target and Home Goods and buy art, but, it’s really not authentic art; it’s mass produced art. When you are in front of an original work of art, you can feel the energy the artist poured into the creation, whether a painting, a photograph, or a mixed media piece. Art has energy and THAT is what draws people to want art in their personal spaces.
Art Gallery 21 is a little nonprofit, and, any money we earn from selling art is used to continue the work of being a neighborhood art gallery. We have extraordinary volunteers that keep everything going, and we’re having a good time doing this. We appreciate all the support given from our visitors, our volunteers and our partners.
Thanks for stopping by! And, check out our SHOP page! You might find something you’ll love!